Con base en la ley, garantizar la calidad y seguridad de los medicamentos veterinarios: la SUNDGE participó en la capacitación sobre gestión de la industria de medicamentos veterinarios
In order to strengthen the study of veterinary drug management regulations and policies, improve the company's veterinary drug management business level, and promote the next stage of veterinary drug management work, on January 7, 2025, our company participated in the city's veterinary drug industry management training organized by the Veterinary and Veterinary Drug Department of the Nanjing Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau.
At the training session, we mainly learned about veterinary drug research and development, quality control, standardized use of veterinary drugs, and the detailed revision of veterinary drug management regulations and policies in the past 25 years. This training was rich in content, fruitful, and beneficial. It laid a solid foundation for our company's veterinary drug business in 2025 and contributed to the construction of a safe, healthy, and efficient animal husbandry industry!!!
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Nuevas Noticias
Con base en la ley, garantizar la calidad y seguridad de los medicamentos veterinarios: la SUNDGE participó en la capacitación sobre gestión de la industria de medicamentos veterinarios
Visita de salida al Centro Ali de Nanjing de la SUNDGE
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Buenas noticias: la empresa ha obtenido con éxito el Certificado de licencia comercial de medicamentos veterinarios